Services Provided
We provide Nutrition, Transportation (BCT), Information & Assistance, Insurance Counseling, Pharmaceutical Assistance, Options Counseling, AARP TaxAide Income Tax Assistance, Education, Health Screenings, and Recreation. Also, a representative from Land of Lincoln Legal comes to the center each month.
Programs & Services Offered at Bond County Senior Center
Information last updated on February 15, 2023.
Jump to a particular program or service description using the horizontal sub-MENU below.
Nutritional Programs
Congregate Meal Lunches
A nutritious meal is available Monday through Friday (serving of Lunch lasts 11:30AM - 12:15PM) at the Center located at 1001 East Harris Avenue, Greenville, IL - call 618-664-1465 or toll free 1-877-983-7433 for details.
Meals are published in advance and reservations are accepted until 4 p.m. the day before the meal is served. Confidential, voluntary contributions are all we request to help defray the cost of this, as well as our other services. Our suggested donation for meals is $5.00 for seniors age 60 or older (diner’s card also available making each lunch $4.00), and $7.60 for all others. View this month’s Congregate Meals menu.
Help support Bond County Senior Center’s Congregate Lunch program with a check or a secure online donation at PayPal. Visit our Donation Page for more information.
Home Delivered Meals
Monday through Friday between 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., meals are delivered to persons who are homebound. Contact the Senior Center for further information.
Help support Bond County Senior Center’s Meals on Wheels program with a check or a secure online donation at PayPal. Visit our Donation Page for more information.
Visit our Volunteer Opportunties page to learn more about becoming a delivery driver with our Meals on Wheel program.
White Crane Business Express Box Lunches
Sandwiches and Salads on Wednesdays, delivered right to your office or home! We also cater year-round. All proceeds from White Crane go towards helping fund Bond County Senior Center’s other Nutritional Programs. Now, more than ever, it is so important for us to have White Crane. Visit our White Crane information page for this month’s menu and order form.
Salad Bar
Program currently suspended
Salad & Soup Bar is open to the public, all ages! Monday-Friday 11:00am-1:00pm. Stop in at the Senior Center for a quick, delicious lunch!! $7.00 per pound, plus tax! (60+ $4.00 one trip through) Iced Tea is $1.00.
Food Pantry
Bond County Food Pantry is located at 1001 East Harris Avenue. The food pantry is located on the north side of our new community building section. Food pantry patrons may park on Washington Avenue and enter from the southwest door.
The pantry is open Mondays and Thursdays from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Also 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. the last Tuesday of each month.
Donations outside of normal Pantry hours should be delivered to the Senior Center - 1001 East Harris Avenue, Greenville. A cart is provided in the foyer of the front entrance.
Help support Bond County Senior Center’s Food Pantry program with a check or a secure online donation at PayPal. Visit our Donation Page for more information.
- Bond County Food Pantry - in association with Operation Food Search, Midwest Food Bank, and Central Illinois Foodbank (part of Feeding Illinois and Feeding America) - helps fill the void for Bond County families. The pantry tries to supply basic food items to supplement an individual or family’s monthly food budget. Most of the food distributed by the pantry is donated by local residents and the pantry is grateful to local growers, churches, businesses and organizations that make periodic donations.
- Hours: The pantry is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Also the last Tuesday of the month from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. Since the pantry is staffed by volunteers, we appreciate participant adherence to the established hours. Product donations are accepted during normal Food Pantry hours. Donations outside of normal Pantry hours should be delivered to the Senior Center. Checks should be made payable to Bond County Senior Center and designated for pantry use.
- Please call or visit the Senior Center to pick up a complete informational pamphlet about Bond County Food Pantry services, income eligibility guidelines and volunteer opportunities.
- The pantry serves residents of Bond County. The income eligibility guideline is established by the Illinois Dept. of Human Services and is periodically adjusted when the poverty guideline is changed.
Please scroll horizontally to view full chart. DHS Maximum Monthly Gross Income for receipt of USDA Commodities for fiscal year 2025 (July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025) |
Household Size | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Monthly Income | $3,765 | $5,110 | $6,455 | $7,800 | $9,145 | $10,490 | $11,835 | $13,180 | $14,525 | $15,870 |
For each additional household member over 10, add $1,340. Please scroll horizontally to view full chart. |
Insurance Counseling
Pharmaceutical (Rx) Assistance
Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit (Part D) is a voluntary program created by the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA). The drug benefit is provided by private companies and offers coverage of outpatient prescription drugs through a standard benefit plan that is set by law. Some plans might offer more coverage and/or additional drugs. It is available to Medicare recipients regardless of income, health status or prescription drug usage. Before enrolling in a Medicare prescription drug plan, bring in a list of your drugs, along with your Medicare card, to the Senior Center. Your drugs will be entered into the computer to determine which plan offers the best coverage. The premium, cost of each drug, and co-pay will be on the computer print-out.
You can pay your premium directly, have the premium deducted from your Social Security check, or have it deducted from your bank account.
Help is available for people with lower incomes and few savings or other assets. Depending on your level of need, your premium may be reduced or eliminated, your deductible may be reduced or eliminated, your co-insurance and co-pay amounts may be reduced and your coverage gap may be eliminated. In order to determine if you qualify for this help, you must submit Form SS-108-20B-OCR-SM, Application for Help with Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Costs (also called the Low-Income subsidy or Extra Help Application).
Open enrollment is October 15 through December 7 each year. You will be able to change plans once a year.
A SHIP (Senior Health Insurance Program) volunteer is available to assist with determining eligibility and enrollment in the Medicare Part D plan. See our Calendar for appointment information.
Income Tax Assistance
Bond County Senior Center offers FREE tax preparation. Our tax preparers have been trained by AARP/VITA and work through the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program. Assistance continues February through April. Free tax preparation is available for Senior Citizens and low-income taxpayers of ALL ages.
Clients may call the Bond County Senior Center for appointments beginning mid-January. At their appointment, clients should bring last year’s return, all tax documents (W2, 1099, Social Security, records of all cash income and deductions, required pre-appointment forms packet available at this link, and all other tax materials), as well as photo ID and Social Security card or statement.
AARP Tax-Aide (an AARP Foundation tax assistance and preparation program offered in conjunction with the Internal Revenue Service) is the largest, free volunteer-run tax assistance and preparation service in the nation. It provides service to low- and middle-income taxpayers, with special attention to those who are 60+, during the tax season from February 1 – April 15 at more than 8,000 sites around the country.
Volunteers assist only with simple returns, supporting schedules and forms for which they have been trained. Taxpayers with tax situations outside the scope of the volunteers’ training, experience, and certification will be referred to preparers with the necessary training and experience.
Bond County Transit (BCT) can help you get to your destination. Professional drivers will provide courteous, curb-to-curb service from your home to your job, doctor, grocery store, pharmacy, beautician, or other destination. BCT is a Transportation Service for the General Public - Anyone of Any Age is eligible to ride! Discounted transit passes are available for purchase.
BCT is Medicaid approved. This means that medical transportation is FREE to those who qualify under public aid.
Need a Ride? Call 618-664-9844 or toll free 1-877-983-7433. Visit for more information.
The Center provides a place to relax and visit with friends, enjoy cards, movies, games, parties, special trips, and a variety of other activities. Join us for BINGO, and more!
See our Calendar Page for regularly scheduled monthly & weekly activities.
Educational classes include Rules of the Road, 55 Alive Driver Safety Course, consumer awareness, food demonstrations, health and safety, Medicare issues, and other topics of interest.
Financial And Legal Assistance
Legal assistance is provided on a regular basis through Land of Lincoln Legal Services.
The kind of help provided ranges from telephone advice and brief service to representation in court or at administrative hearings in the following areas:
Consumer Law, Family Law, Education Law, Elder Law & Disability Rights, Health & Economic Security, and Housing Law. A representative is at Bond County Senior Center the third Monday of each month; you must make an appointment. 618-398-0958 ext 2236.
Our trained Center staff will help you complete Pharmaceutical Assistance, Income Tax forms, and understand your Beneficiary Rights, etc.
Health Screenings
Screenings including blood pressure and hearing as well as lectures and workshops on health issues are held on a regular basis. A blood pressure computer is available for those who would like to monitor their own blood pressure. Plus on the first Tuesday of each month 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., we host Blood Pressure & Blood Sugar checks, sponsored by Greenville Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.
Energy Assistance
Bond County Senior Center partners with the Energy Assistance Foundation to provide energy assistance through Warm Neighbors, Cool Friends, a proud partner of Ameren Illinois.

If you or someone you know is:
- 62 or older
- Disabled
- Has a crisis
- Are an Ameren customer
- Have a bill less than $750.00
- Have not received help from LIHEAP (BCMW) in the last 12 months
Call us to see if you qualify. Or visit the Warm Neighbors, Cool Friends website. It is a matching program that allows WNCF to match a payment the customer makes up to $500.00, even if it leaves a credit on the client’s account for next month. The income guidelines are set so that if you make a little too much to qualify for LIHEAP you will qualify for this program!
Options Counseling
Options counseling is an interactive decision-support process whereby consumers, family members and/or significant others are supported in their deliberations to determine appropriate long-term care choices in the context of the consumer’s needs, preferences, values and individual circumstances. This service is helpful when:
- People are considering (or making) a change of residence
- People are transitioning from school-based system to adult services system
- People need help to access publicly funded benefits to finance long-term care services
- People need to know how to access private pay service options
- A major life changing event has occurred and people need assistance with long-term care needs.
The goal: To ensure that people have the information they need to make informed choices about long-term care.
Other Services
Friendly visiting, telephone reassurance, outreach, and other activities are provided by the Center. In addition, representatives of other agencies have office hours at the Center. Check out our Calendar or call for dates and times 618-664-1465 or toll free 1-877-983-7433.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Center offers a variety of meaningful volunteer opportunities for people of all ages. Community members sharing their time, energy, and talents gain personal satisfaction while helping us provide many valuable services.
Visit our Volunteer Information Page for more.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Bond County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. receives funding through the Older Americans Act; U.S.A.O.A., the Illinois Department on Aging, and SWIAAA. Bond County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. does not discriminate in admittance to programs or treatment of employees, or in programs or activities in compliance with the Illinois Human Rights Act; the United States Civil Rights Act; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act; the Age Discrimination Act; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act; and the United States and Illinois Constitution. Persons who feel that they have been discriminated against have the right to file a complaint with the Illinois Department on Aging at 1-800-252-8966 (voice or TDD) or with the Director of Bond County Senior Center at 618-664-1465 or toll free 1-877-983-7433.